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    Cooler Master CoolerMaster Notepal X-SLIM II Notebook Cooling Stand R9-NBC-XS2K-GP

    Manufacturer: Cooler Master
    A 200mm fan that operates silently to cool laptops. Designed ergonomically to provide the best viewing and typing angle. Suitable for laptops and tablets up to 15.6". Features easy cable management.
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    Availability: Out of stock
    Regular Price ₪128 Buy in regular store
    Delivery date: Up to 1-7 business days

    Cooler Master Notepal X-SLIM II Notebook Cooling Stand R9-NBC-XS2K-GP

    • 200mm fan for silent cooling
    • Ergonomic design for optimal viewing and typing angle
    • Suitable for laptops and tablets up to 15.6"
    • Easy cable management