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    Intel Core i3 4170 With Graphics Tray Pull C4170T-P

    Manufacturer: Intel
    These processors are based on Intel's Haswell + Lynx Point microarchitecture and are manufactured using 22 nm process technology with 3D tri-gate transistors. This platform offers improved CPU, graphics, media performance, flexibility, and enhanced security compared to the 3rd generation Intel Core processors, making it suitable for a wide range of intelligent systems.
    SKU: C4170T-P
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    Availability: The product is in the importer's stock
    Regular Price ₪248 Buy in regular store
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    Delivery date: Up to 1-7 business days

    Intel Core i3 4170 With Graphics Tray Pull C4170T-P

    Based on Haswell + Lynx Point microarchitecture

    Manufactured using 22 nm process technology with 3D tri-gate transistors

    Improved CPU, graphics, media performance, flexibility, and enhanced security

    Suitable for a wide range of intelligent systems